their names aren't formal and they blend into one another, serving specific purposes. I call them my brain critters or headlights. they have their own interests and priorities and work together to make me "koda"!
Integration and fusion isn't for all systems, but with my particular blend of OSDD I'm gonna notice my lights coming together and apart as basic ebbing and flowing depending on my level of dysregulation.
I have a lot of stress dreams personally- I've fallen down a pretty deep rabbithole on dream interpretation and understanding what our subsconscious does during REM cycles. A general rule of thumb for dreaming as I've come to understand it is that the course of the dream will always follow any subconscious hunches. as an example, if you hear a weird CLANG in your dream and your first thought is "oh no is that an ATTACKER?" ...... it's almost always going to be an attacker. because I'm a very anxious dog, most stimuli in my dreams leads to risk assessing and hypervigilance, so I'm usually looking through the mothdog lens at the very least.
that said, I've had more than a handful of dreams where I'm trying to discuss something with someone and realize partway through that the 'someone' is one of my lights, temporarily represented by other figures (real and imagined) in the moment. I also have a lot of nightmares where I'm trying to warn someone about danger and being ignored/not taken seriously. I.... know very very well in those dreams I'm Red, stomping and pacing, trying to get my company to hear me out. Sometimes it's due to stresses in social connections, but more often than not it's Me trying to get other parts of Me to pay attention to what I'm stammering about.
I've also had dreams where I'm getting closer to a new friend (not based on anyone in the waking world) that turned out to be a blend of 2 lights/alters. (Like fronting as Moth and conversing with Pup+Fawn as a single entity as "Flux") - In the dream I can't tell that's what's happening... If I realize or become lucid, I usually wake up.
me too !! cucu sadly passed away the same year twitter broke bots, but I'm glad to have gotten to know and love them over the 3 and a half years that I was able to. They lived quite a long life for a little garden snail!
each sona I depict is an abstraction that appeals to specific headlights I have, usually a blend of them. there are other sonas like derivative self-inserts and fandom stuff, but I only made diagrams for the main 5 I depict the most often.
puddle is flow + moth, also representative of daze because I'd use puddle for 'reflection'/vent art for a long time. also includes daze because puddle gets so very very tired lol, I always depicted puddle having my physical body pains despite them being made of slime?? LMAO
pudko/'werewolf puddle' is moth + pup + daze/red highly reactive + hyper-aware of body pains & super foggy ... I don't draw pudko much these days... I should draw them more... ðŸ’
xko is pup + fawn (bubbling over with awe/wonder) with red's high reactivity. feels no pain or fear!!!!!!
the next two are very similar!! neither of them remember they are part of xko, while the previously mentioned sonas are always aware of xko as their 'core'
roboko is pup + fawn + daze/red
easily flustered + foggy, more likely to vibe/coast through stuff or experience half-awareness, switching to excitability/pup brain to coast
(technically I have an in-universe reason why roboko and xko are linked via flux but it's convoluted/lewd and an unnecessary detail for this ask lmao if you're curious it's briefly mentioned in the roboko user forums)
flux is fawn + red/daze similar, easily flustered + foggy but fully present through difficult circumstances
as I mentioned before, daze and red are typically together or feel like they're part of 'the same self' so the order of daze/red or red/daze in these has a difference to me lol;; it's so weird how little details feel like a big deal! I put them all together in a big image canvas, and the LOCATIONS of the diagrams together felt like they had a right and wrong place.
aaaaaa thank u for taking interest!! some have a couple nicknames. from left to right:
pup/ruff (it), fawn/flux (it), daze (it), red/"pants" (it), mothdog/(???) (they/it), flow crow (they/it)
my headlights often co-front, so distinctions between the lights are only easy to draw a line for if I'm heavily dysregulated or burnt out. usually I have more than one light on. lights depicted next to each other frequently front together (ie, pup+fawn or snail+red or fawn+daze, etc.)
if I'm doing very well and feeling present (& not experiencing any derealization), most of my lights will be on at the same time. they all make up who I am as "koda" and all identify with being koda, but they each have different circumstances to be "on call" for and different needs/goals on their own. not being lit means that light might have to play 'catch up' to remember details of events they weren't present for. I have memory problems lol
if the appropriate light isn't turning on when it needs to, another light will fill in but they won't have the ability to do the 'job' quite the same, leading to faster burnout. this applies to everything: tasks, games, project production, communication, forms of intimacy, etc. drawing with and without flowcrow produces a different quality of output, for example. this is why I call it flowcrow lol. back when I streamed art as puddle it'd usually be a combination of flow+moth. when I was doing xko gameplay streams, it was often pup+fawn with moth or flow chaperoning.
when other lights are out and only fawn is active, I'm in some state of awe. often this means the freeze or fawn response, even in good situations or around trusted people. I like drawing it full of stars when depicted with wonder or feeling intense adoration. it 'lights up' by turning the lights out and gettin' all starry.
moth is on-call and does most of our masking in public situations or anything outside, and is almost always in a state of hypervigilance. they're most active in social situations/group environments and body maintenance and tires out often. mothdog is the only headlight that eats, the others are repulsed by eating or show disinterest. I've been drawing them more like a black wolf-like dog/chowchow with mothman features because they're pretty stand-offish, so cryptid iconography hits right. there's been a long-standing desire to give it a name outside of 'mothdog' but all suggestions so far are met with a "no not that âŒ" so we're not rushin it.
flowcrow is an on-call chaperone to other lights for certain activities, but isn't always available and sometimes fucks off (lol). it often switches on for life admin/planning tasks or stuff like learning languages/math, more exhausting comprehensive stuff.
flowcrow and daze solo-front more than any other light but are admittedly pretty antisocial/introverted. flowcrow can feel a complete disconnect from the body and daze is the opposite, unable to shut-off feeling chronic pain unless in trance. (my partners catch me staring off for a long while usually stuck in a memory or trauma flashback. when they 'wake' me, daze is usually no longer solo fronting). daze straight up does not like to be perceived outside of the body, but sometimes has to when all other lights are out.
pup and red are highly reactive and unmasked, they light up all the time with other lights active, but only feel safe enough to solo-front for long around partners/incredibly close friends.
I draw red as a nightcrawler because it's influenced by my delayed flee response, but I also like using ghost imagery for it too. if anthropomorphized further I make it a bit more doggy-like. there are times when red disappears completely for days (sometimes weeks) and I tend to depict it resting within daze because they are connected
anyhow, I've been working out the details on these critters since... late 2019? early 2020? I drew my first diagram for them in 2020
in 2023 I made some comics with my lights drawn as critters. I started working on my dissociation/dysregulation/cptsd in therapy back in 2016/2017. I have a bit more info about them on my website's about page, but the detail I go into is limited over there. way before that I made 'headspace' (a couple of animated shorts about puddle having more puddles in their head) knowing I had a dissociative disorder & cptsd but not feeling comfortable to really get into the details of each light and the purpose they serve. for that cartoon I narrowed it down to 4 lights. to this day I still group them when I talk about them.
thank you for asking! I've been wanting to actually type all of this out for posting but often got spooked and backspaced a lot before getting your ask. we really appreciate the nudge🌌
obligatory disclaimer: I'm not interested in syscourse. I recognize every system forms the way it does for reasons to suit the life the body experiences. if you experience plurality, you might not experience the 'divide' and co-fronting in the same way I do. that being said, I know my lights are sourced from my cptsd and strong cognitive dissonance I held for a lot of my early upbringing and a means of which to cope with the circumstances I was trapped in. it formed when I was very young, with fragmentation occuring throughout adolescence. where I can specifically draw lines and similarities between my lights and certain abstractions/iconographies are specfic to my experience with dissociation & multiplicity and does not apply to all or any other systems.